- March 10, 2025
+ “Blue Roof” real estate office relocates
Palm Coast Real Estate Company is now located at 5 Utility Drive Suite 7. The company was the first real estate office in Palm Coast, dating back to the 1970s with ITT Development Corporation.
In addition to representing buyers and sellers, the new office will offer a full service rental department and will represent several area builders.
Call 445-0700.
+ 100 Plus agent earns certification
Robert Busam, Broker/Owner of 100 Plus Realty, awarded real estate agent Jim Engel with his Leads Generated Conversion Certification after finishing a one-month software training program. 100 Plus Realty is now at 21 Old Kings Road N. Suite B107. Call 445-8112.
+ Halifax Women’s Golf Association donates to Florida hospitals
The Halifax Women’s Golf Association hosted a Pink Army Golf tournament Nov. 13 to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer.
More than 80 participants played in the golf tournament, which raised nearly $2,500 for both Florida Hospital Flagler and Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center. These funds will help the hospitals’ provide mammograms and other diagnostic procedures to local women in need.
+ Community members hope to form leadership center
Patrick Williams, owner of the Palm Coast nonprofit Coaching the Global Village, and Flagler County School Board member Colleen Conklin recently attended the first Kansas Leadership Center Global Gathering in Witchita, KS. The meeting brought together people from 13 countries and 17 U.S. states to explore community leadership implementation.
Williams and Conklin hope to develop a Florida Leadership Center in Flagler County similar to the Kansas center that hosted the conference. Attending it was a step toward reaching that goal, they said.