Head-on crash sends three Seabreeze students to hospital

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  • | 2:00 p.m. December 5, 2012
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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A head-on crash during a morning commute sent several people to the hospital, including three Seabreeze High School students,  one with a head injury.


A head-on crash during a morning commute sent several people to the hospital, including three Seabreeze High School students.

According to the Ormond Beach Police Department’s preliminary investigation, Jacob Shannon, 27, of Holly Hill, was driving northbound on Oceanshore Boulevard when he came up behind a vehicle slowing to turn into a driveway.

Police say Shannon hit the brakes and skidded into the southbound lane, hitting the 2012 Hyundai driven by Toni J. Kilgore-Byrie, 45, of Ormond Beach, who was driving her son and two other boys to Seabreeze High School.

Several people, including all three high school students, were transported to Halifax Hospital. One of the students was transported as a trauma alert with a head injury.


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