Patching things up: Quilt guild donates to local veteran

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  • | 5:00 a.m. December 7, 2012
Peggy Manley, Cheryl Roark and Marie Garelli wrap Vietnam War Veteran Nelson Acevedo in his newly donated blanket.
Peggy Manley, Cheryl Roark and Marie Garelli wrap Vietnam War Veteran Nelson Acevedo in his newly donated blanket.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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As Vietnam War veteran Nelson Acevedo stood in front of the tables full of quilters Wednesday, Dec. 5, his eyes grew heavy and tear drops trickled down his face. He held a framed photograph of himself as a young adult as Peggy Manley shared the story of Acevedo’s time in Vietnam.

The Memory Makers Quilt Guild donated a handmade blanket to Acevedo in honor of his time served and his dedication to the community.

Nelson was drafted right out of high school and did a brief stint in boot camp before shipping out to Vietnam. After only three months deployed, Nelson stepped on a landmine and received very serious injuries to his legs. He was stabilized before being sent back to the United States, where he was hospitalized for 15 months and underwent 13 surgeries.

“Nelson has touched so many people in our lives and that’s why we think he really deserves this,” club member Marie Garelli said. “We wanted to honor Nelson today because we love him in our community and who better deserves it than him.”

The group hopes to donate a blanket to a local veteran every year.

+ A Night on Treasure Island fundraiser raises over $21,000 for Josh Crews

The Josh Crews Writing Project announced Thursday that it raised $21,000 in net proceeds at its A Night on Treasure Island fundraiser, held Oct. 20, at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, through the Flagler County Education Foundation. The proceeds include a generous donation from the Crews family.

A memorial scholarship fund was set up through the Flagler County Education Foundation to continue Josh’s legacy of encouraging and empowering young creative writers in Flagler County elementary schools. The monies raised are eligible for matching grants from the state, which could tip the total beyond $41,000. 

The event was organized by Carla Cline, Joe Rizzo, Cindy Dalecki, Raven Sword, Maggie Hackett and Gretchen Smith.

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