Holmberg analysis expected soon; Army Corps study delayed

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  • | 5:00 a.m. December 15, 2012
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Holmberg Technologies Inc. is moving forward with its feasibility study to address shoreline erosion on Flagler County’s beaches. Dick Holmberg, president of the company, said he expects to have a completed analysis ready to present to Flagler Beach officials by the end of January.

“(Holmberg) tried to impress upon me how difficult the analysis has been,” said Bruce Campbell, city manager for Flagler Beach, at Thursday’s meeting of the Flagler Beach City Commission. 

“He’s finding a lot of things that he didn’t realize were there and he’s using some new technologies that have never been used before,” Campbell said. “But thing are coming along, from an analysis standpoint, quite well.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reported that, rather than having its shoreline analysis ready for review by the end of December, as originally planned, it expects its report to be completed by Feb. 4, Campbell said.

Commissioner Jane Mealy said the way she interpreted the call was that, given the way the study was going, there may not be a project at all.

“Getting money like this from Congress is not going to be an easy thing,” she said, adding that Federal Emergency Management Agency money was in short supply after Superstorm Sandy. Her solution: communicating with legislators about Flagler’s needs. Mealy said she would write a letter after Christmas.

In the meantime, the commission and Flagler County officials and residents await reports from the two parties. Both Holmberg Technologies and the Army Corps of Engineers are expected to include costs of remedial action for Flagler County’s beaches in the analyses.

Then, the commission, along with the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council, will decide how to move forward.


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