- March 10, 2025
We asked residents of Ormond Beach about the best advice they'd ever received. Here is one of their responses.
Rick Boehm, Ormond Beach city commissioner
Best advice: One person can make a difference.
Whether you volunteer in your church, school, civic club, youth sports organization, senior citizens' facility, city advisory board, as a local elected official or in hundred's of other ways, you, as an individual, can make a positive difference in other people's lives.
One of the great strengths of this country is that there are hundreds of thousands of unrecognized people who do all of the above things, not for recognition or praise but because they believe, and because they demonstrate, by the giving of their time and God-given talents, that one person can make a positive difference to others.
I have spent virtually my entire life working with people in the above organizations, as have the members of my family. The finest people I have ever known are those who have given the most without expecting recognition or praise, but who did so to make the world a better place for others.