BEST ADVICE: Joanne Naumann

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  • | 12:30 p.m. December 23, 2012
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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We asked residents of Ormond Beach about the best advice they'd ever received. Here is one of their responses.

Joanne Naumann, manager, neighborhood improvement division for Ormond Beach

Best advice: Expect nothing and you shall not be disappointed.

Some take this as a pessimistic point of view, but it really isn’t. Sometimes we expect things to be a certain way  we should get something that we might not get, or (expect) people to behave as we think they should.

It is not for us to judge or determine. Take what is and work with it. Don’t get yourself disappointed by your own expectations. Consider there are too many ways to be   believe, feel, think and do  to say one way is right and another wrong.

Be realistic about the things in your life and you will not ever be disappointed.


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