The Best Advice I Ever Got: Rick Staly

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  • | 5:00 a.m. December 30, 2012
Rick Staly, soon-to-be undersheriff at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office
Rick Staly, soon-to-be undersheriff at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The best advice I have received is to know and recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses. Surround yourself with people who complement your personal handicaps, and together, you can create a winning team. In simple terms, do not surround yourself with “yes” people. You want to know reality, not what people may think you want to hear.

The other best piece of advice I have ever been given is that with hard work and setting personal goals (including education, dedication and focus), you can attain your dreams.

These two guiding principles have allowed me to rise to the top of my law enforcement career and later, to start a successful private company.

Besides the best advice I was given, the best advice I can give is to never forget your roots, and be thankful for your blessings.



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