- November 27, 2024
The following is adapted from a notice posted on the Flagler Playhouse website:
Calling all playwrights!
Flagler Playhouse will be producing an original adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” for its December holiday season play in 2012. Let your imagination soar and create a version of “A Christmas Carol” that we will put on with our performers, director and technical staff. It can be a traditional version, contemporary, future, local or far, far away. If you want to include music or singing be sure that your songs are either original or use non-copyrighted musical material.
General Guidelines:
- A one or two-act, family-friendly, unpublished original adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."
- May not have been previously produced professionally.
- No more than 12 actors.
- Run time of approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
- Minimal set and prop requirements.
- Submission deadline is Sept. 1. No entry fee required.
Submission Requirements:
- Three typed (Times Roman or Ariel 14 font) and bound copies in standard script form.
- Binding must be 3-hole punched or clipped only. We must be able to remove the pages to make additional copies.
- Submitted copies will not be returned, so keep a copy for yourself.
- We will use a blind submission process. Please provide two different cover pages: A removable top page, which includes the author's name and address along with the title, and a second cover page with only the title of the play. Please remember to remove your name from other places in the script, as well.
- Mail or hand deliver to Flagler Playhouse, 301 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell, FL 32110.