Rotaract of Flagler County installs new board of directors

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 4, 2012
Matt McLeer, Rebecca Mitchell, Jaclyn Centofanti, Kaitlin Murray, Jordan Farrell and Tyler Martin. COURTESY PHOTO
Matt McLeer, Rebecca Mitchell, Jaclyn Centofanti, Kaitlin Murray, Jordan Farrell and Tyler Martin. COURTESY PHOTO
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Rotaract of Flagler recently installed its new board of directors. The new officers are as follows: Jaclyn Centofanti, president; Matt McLeer, president elect; Rebecca Mitchell, past president; Kaitlin Murray, secretary/treasurer; Jordan Farrell, membership/social chair; and Tyler Martin, service/professional development chair.

Rotaract Club of Flagler was founded in 2010 and is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Flagler Beach as a young professional club made up of service-minded business and professional leaders.



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