Flagler Surf Series hits the beach for Round 2 on Saturday

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 7, 2012
Flagler Beach resident Devin Ricke competed in the Bodyboard Pro division at the first Flagler Surf Series event held April 8. FILE PHOTO BY SHANNA FORTIER
Flagler Beach resident Devin Ricke competed in the Bodyboard Pro division at the first Flagler Surf Series event held April 8. FILE PHOTO BY SHANNA FORTIER
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The second Flagler Surf Series surf contest will begin 8 a.m. July 7 and continue July 8 just south of the Flagler Beach Pier.

The pro/am surf competition will feature the following divisions: pro bodyboard, pro women, pro men, open longboard, open bodyboard, retro circa ’70s, women’s 15+, honchos 36+, men’s 18-35, juniors 14-17, girls 14 and under, boys 10-13, groms 9 and under and micros.

In addition to the surf, there will also be a cornhole tournament and a tug-of-war tournament, both with noon start times Saturday, July 7.



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