County to raise millage .4 to help close budget gap

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 9, 2012
Increasing millage by .4 would mean about an extra $40 a year charged to property owners with homes assessed at $150,000.
Increasing millage by .4 would mean about an extra $40 a year charged to property owners with homes assessed at $150,000.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The Flagler County Board of County Commissioners agreed by consensus Monday morning, June 9, to raise the millage rate by .4, to help bridge Flagler’s $4.6 million projected budget shortfall in the coming fiscal year.

“Some people will realize that (increase), some won’t,” Coffey told the board. “There will be winners and losers, depending on (property) valuation.”

Owners of homes assessed at $150,000 will see an annual tax increase of about $40 with the new rate. Homes assessed at $200,000 will see a change of about $60.

But even with the increase, which is meant to help bring in about the same in revenue as the county did this year, the commission will enter next year’s budget season with a similar shortfall at its bottom line. Under the tentatively approved plan, Coffey projects the general fund will show a $2.8 million gap at the start of the 2013 budget season, assuming no changes, like further drops to property value or spikes in gas prices.

Flagler currently has the 54th lowest millage in all of Florida’s 67 counties.

Coffey will include a tentative and draft millage item on board’s regular meeting agenda Monday, July 1, for first approval.

See the Wednesday, June 11, edition of the Palm Coast Observer for more.



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