Report: Stabilized Palm Coast homes now worth 7% more

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 10, 2012
Other news from the Week in Review: The city is preparing to connect a customer to FiberNET in the Flagler airport business sector.
Other news from the Week in Review: The city is preparing to connect a customer to FiberNET in the Flagler airport business sector.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Twenty-three Palm Coast homes have been rehabilitated and resold through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, according to a report in the city of Palm Coast’s Week in Review. Those 23 homes are now worth 7.22% more, theoretically helping home values in the neighborhood as well.

The Neighborhood Stabilization Program is a federal program that has awarded millions of dollars to Palm Coast to fix up homes and resell them. So far, in the first phase of the program, $4.47 million of real estate has been bought and resold.

Other highlights of the Week in Review are as follows:

— The Operations Division is preparing to connect a customer in the Flagler airport business sector. This connection could open up FiberNET to over a dozen more potential customers. Go live date for first customer was July 6.

— The Operations Division is also preparing to connect another customer on Hargrove Grade, which is an “example of FiberNET’s appeal to the industrial and commerce sectors of the city.”

— The city will host a free Movie at the Park 8-10 p.m. Friday, July 13, at Central Park. The feature will be “Hugo.” Remember to bring lawn chair and bug spray.

— The average water demand last week was 7.752 million gallons per day; average wastewater flow was 6.561 million gallons per day.

— The building permit was issued for the new gateway sign at Palm Coast Parkway and Palm Harbor Parkway. Materials are being ordered and work will begin soon.

— The city will host a Summer Shot Gun 2 & 4 mile Run this Saturday, July 14. The races go off at the Palm Harbor Golf Club at 8 a.m., and runners will sprint across the course cart paths to the finish line. Overall first-place male and female winners, as well as first-, second- and third-place runners in all age group categories, will be awarded medals. A Kids Fun Run will follow the main race, when all children can walk/run for ribbons. For more information, see



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