- March 14, 2025
City of Palm Coast crews and other contractors made progress last week on the construction of a multi-use path on Belle Terre Boulevard.
Grading, forming and pouring of the sidewalk is ongoing south of Kainite, according to the city’s Week in Review report. A contractor is also finishing pouring concrete flumes to open the path south of State Road 100 to Citation.
The Benton Village bridge support installation is ongoing, and concrete abutments are being poured.
Overall, construction on the path is at 87% complete.
The Palm Coast Operations Division completed fiber installation at Fire Station 22 last week. Water Treatment Plant 2, which is distance prohibitive, is the only city facility now not on city fiber.
Operations Division completed FiberNET install at Airport Road, opening up the door to numerous customers at the airport’s commerce park. Installation is also complete at Marketplace Road, which will open the Hargrove Industrial corridor.