Matanzas student conducts research at Whitney Laboratory

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 17, 2012
Bryanna Maddox
Bryanna Maddox
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Bryanna Maddox, a rising senior in the advanced placement program at Matanzas High School, is spending the summer doing research at the University of Florida’s Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience.

Maddox’s research is supported by a National Science Foundation grant awarded to Barbara Battelle, professor of Neuroscience and a principle investigator at the Whitney. A portion of this grant is designated to provide research training to a pre-collegiate student interested in science that will promote the student’s success in a career in science.

Maddox is applying cell biological techniques to study the biochemistry of photoreceptors. In addition to conducting her research, Maddox participates with college undergraduates in workshops focused on scientific communications and the responsible conduct of research.

Maddox, daughter of Alison Maddox of Palm Coast, plans to major in the biological sciences in college with the long-term goal of becoming a physician.



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