Candidates file latest finance reports

The latest financial reporting period for candidates ended 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 13.
The latest financial reporting period for candidates ended 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 13.
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In the financial period ending July 13, five candidates have raised more than $15,000.

The latest financial reporting period for candidates ended 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 13, and John Pollinger, a Republican candidate for Flagler County Sheriff, leads the way after reporting $39,171.99 in monetary contributions. He has also spent the most money — $36,748.57. Pollinger has contributed $22,500 to his own campaign.

According to the latest finance reports, Pollinger spent $2,541 with Aerial Messages, of Daytona Beach, to fly a banner over Flagler Beach on the Fourth of July.

Melissa Moore Stens, a candidate for Flagler County judge, has raised $33,903.74, of which she gave $24,038.10 to herself.

The total amount spent so far by all candidates in Flagler County is $201,530.65.

Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Donald Fleming (R) $16,410.00 $10,104.58
James Manfre (D) $9,119.80 $6,422.74
John Pollinger (R) $39,171.99 $36,748.57
Ray Stevens (R) $9,605.00 $5,225.26
Karl Tozzi (D) $7,700.00 $6,573.32

County Court Judge
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Don Appignani $5,354.17 $5,303.17
Craig Atack $20,296.00 $19,587.09
Josh Davis $4,384.06 $4,019.60
Marc Dwyer $7,976.00 $6,602.24
Sharon Feliciano $6,780.00 $3,904.50
Melissa Moore Stens $33,903.74 $21,072.72
W. Scott Westbrook $3,635.00 $3,319.39

School Board District 3
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Colleen Conklin $4,705.00 $3,398.45
Deborah Laury $2,200.00 $3,658.49

School Board District 5
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Bill Corkran $5,076.24 $4,835.72
Susan Dickinson $2,450.00 $2,295.00

County Commission District 1
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Charles Ericksen Jr. (R) $2,355.00 $2,063.23
Alan Peterson (R) $2,300.00 $2,208.54


County Commission District 2
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Dennis McDonald (R) $4,000.00 $3,152.00
Frank Meeker (R) $6,280.00 $4,515.41
Abby Romaine (NPA) $3,925.00 $2,165.14

County Commission District 5
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
George Hanns (D) $3,100.00 $2,883.66
Herb Whitaker Jr. (R) $2,186.78 $814.65

Clerk of Court
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Ken Mazzie (R) $9,146.20 $7,633.06
Gail Wadsworth (R) $22,600.00 $16,020.43

Supervisor of Elections
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Trey Corbett (R) $3,954.88 $3,508.14
Kimble Medley (R) $2,854.57 $2,623.04
Pam Richardson (R) $3,039.55 $2,066.71
Kimberle Weeks (D) $8,150.00 $4,994.09
Allen Whetsell (R) $2,850.00 $1,334.29

Florida House District 24
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
Michael Cornish (NPA) $1,300.00 $1,206.38
Doug Courtney (D) $2,473.40 $1,475.08
Milissa Holland (D) $4,250.00 $3,316.88
Travis Hutson (R) $103,200.40 $26,231.28

State Attorney Circuit 7
Candidate | Contributions | Expenditures
R.J. Larizza (R) $153,720.00 $39,663.60
Stasia Warren (R) $72,712.46 $69,657.69


NOTE: These numbers do not include in-kind contributions.



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