Estimate: $1 million impact

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The new website, Prosperity.DiscoverPalmCoast.Com, highlights the economic impact of events.

With the Indian Trails Sports Complex inundated with athletes, parents and coaches throughout the month of June, the estimated economic impact on Palm Coast was approximately $1 million, city officials said Tuesday.

“That’s why that is so important — it’s not just circulating dollars that are already here,” City Manager Jim Landon said.

During June, the city hosted the inaugural International Food and Wine Festival, a lacrosse tournament and a 3-v-3 soccer tournament. The estimated number of visitors from outside of Palm Coast was 15,600, according to Tuesday’s presentation.

Scott Smith, managing partner for Houligan’s, said having the tournaments and events in town helps during the slow season.

Over the span of a weekend from Friday night to Sunday, Houligan’s will see a 10% to 15% increase in sales when events are taking place, according to Smith.

Also, since 2009, Palm Coast has invested more than $118 million in public construction and more than $227 million in private building construction.

A new website will highlight these stories. The new website, which can be found through, was done in-house.

“Businesses like to follow success ... so our economic development team teamed up with our branding team and came up with a little program here to get the word out and really let people know about things going on in Palm Coast,” Landon said.

Mayor Jon Netts and City Councilman Frank Meeker praised the city staff for the quality of the website.

“I think this is a marvelous tool to help tell the story,” Netts said. “No matter what business you’re in, the way you succeed is to tell the good story.”

Van Eckert visits Palm Coast
According to Helga van Eckert, Flagler County’s economic development director, the ideal business to bring into the county would feature about 50 to 75 employees.

“That’s your sweetspot,” van Eckert said Tuesday in her first appearance before the Palm Coast City Council.

“I just wanted to come and give you an update as to what the county has been doing, and where we see ourselves going,” van Eckert added.

Van Eckert’s presentation pointed out that the county’s 11.6% unemployment rate is above the state average, which is a little more than 8%.

City Councilman Frank Meeker asked van Eckert how the county planned on competing with the counties “who can write a check for $2 million and not go into cardiac arrest.”

“I don’t want to compete with them,” van Eckert replied, noting that those businesses feature 200 to 500 employees. “We’re not ready for that, quite frankly. ... It’d be too harsh on the community.”

Van Eckert closed out her presentation reiterating that the county and all the municipalities need to work together and be creative to help promote economic development throughout the community.


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