NEWS BRIEFS 7.18.2012

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 18, 2012
  • Palm Coast Observer
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+ County OKs second evacuation route in Daytona North
The County Commission approved a contract with P&S Paving, of Port Orange, for more than $1 million in road construction and stormwater improvements, on Water Oak Road, to act as a second evacuation route out of Daytona North.

The project will be paid in full by disaster grants.

+ County applies for $70,000 for Bings Landing work
Bings Landing could get a new dock, new bathrooms and new lighting, if a grant application for $74,108.75 to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is approved.

Through the organization’s Boating Improvement Program, which provides funding for boating-access projects on coastal and inland waters, the County Commission approved the application submittal for this grant at its July 16 meeting.

The total cost is projected at $213,800. Aside from the $74,000 grant, the county would pay for the rest of the project through vessel registrations fees, its general fund and other grants.

+ VPK registration open; classes to begin Aug. 16
Registration is open for Flagler County Adult Education’s eighth year of Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten.

For the coming school year, beginning Aug. 16, pre-enrollment is ongoing at the Adult Education Early Learning Center, at Bunnell Elementary and Indian Trails Middle school.

Instruction hours are 8:30-11:30 a.m., with extended day services available for $50 per week.

VPK is a state-funded program for all children who turn 4 on or before Sept. 1 of the upcoming school year. This program allows children to attend 540 hours of free classroom instruction through the school year to prepare them for kindergarten.

Registration begins with obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility, which can be pre-registered for online, at, or by calling 437-8236.

+ Corrections
The Extension Service will hold a meeting for its nutrition series Friday, Aug. 3.

+ Public Meetings
Palm Coast City Council — a budget workshop is 9 a.m. Tuesday, July 24, at City Offices.

Flagler County Board of County Commissioners — the next budget workshop is 9 a.m. Monday, July 23, at the Emergency Operations Center.

Flagler County School Board — the next workshop is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, at the GSB. The meeting is at 6.



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