Three live-pipped turtles were found. This means that the turtles were still hatching when the nest was surveyed.
The turtles that hatched during the nest cleaning process were kept for a couple days to ensure they wdere strong enough to swim in the Atlantic.
Twenty-six live baby turtles were found.
In Flagler County, the biggest predictors of the nests are fire ants and ghost crabs.
The live turtles were helped out of the nest by the Turtle patrol and released to make their way into the Atlantic.
A loggerhead nest takes 45 to 60 days to hatch.
Loggerhead turtles are the most abundant of all the marine turtle species in U.S. waters, but they have been on the endangered species list since 1978.
Some factors in their population declines are pollution, shrimp trawling, and development in their nesting areas.