- March 14, 2025
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Thanks to the generosity of Carol and Barney Barnett, the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties has launched a ReadingPals Early Literacy Initiative.
Through the Barnett Early Literacy Grant, The Children’s Movement of Florida and 10 United Ways throughout the state of Florida are in the process of launching a three-year initiative focused on engaging, training, and deploying volunteer ReadingPals in 10 Florida regions to increase the number of students who are reading at grade level by the end of third grade.
Throughout the Volusia-Flagler area, The Children’s Movement of Florida and the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties is partnering with One Voice for Volusia, Flagler Volunteer Services, the Early Learning Coalition of Volusia-Flagler, Flagler County Schools, Volusia County Schools and Mid-Florida Community Services Head Start. In Flagler County, the focus of the program is on voluntary pre-kindergarten at Bunnell Elementary and Indian Trails Middle schools.
Volunteers will be trained in the Skills-Based Educational Experiences Delivery Systems (SEEDS) curriculum. Each volunteer will be required to spend at least two 30-minute sessions per week (for a minimum of 25 weeks) with one to three children. Volunteers will be reading a book out loud, guiding the children through literacy actives and leadering conversations about the different books they read.
To volunteer, contact United Way Volunteer Center Director Diane Olsen, at dolsen@unitedwayvfc.org, or 366-9053.
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