- March 14, 2025
The Flagler Humane Society will begin two new programs.
The first program is an expanded effort to provide low-cost medical services to all Flagler County residents. In addition to providing low-cost spay/neuter services for both cats and dogs, this program provides reduced cost vaccinations, medical testing, and microchipping.
“The first step in reducing the number of homeless pets is to stop the irresponsible breeding that we see right now. By ensuring everyone, regardless of income, has access to affordable spay/neuter programs, we can make a difference in the numbers of animals that make their way through our doors,” said Diane Voigt, president of the board.
The second program is to provide spay/neuter and vaccinations to community cats or those who don’t belong to any one person but to a neighborhood. Sometimes these are feral cats, but just as often they are cats that have either been released into the outdoors or have gotten lost and have become part of a cat colony.
Residents can bring their community cat(s) to the shelter between 8-8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. For $25, cats will be spay/neutered, vaccinated and their ear clipped to identify them as fixed. Cats will be ready to go back to their caretaker by 4 p.m. that same afternoon.