Palm Coast Ford donates to shelter

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  • | 4:00 a.m. June 20, 2012
Humane Society board member Sam Cline, of Cline Construction; Paul Suma, of Palm Coast Ford; and board member Joe Rossheim, of U Name It Apparel & Graphics. COURTESY PHOTO
Humane Society board member Sam Cline, of Cline Construction; Paul Suma, of Palm Coast Ford; and board member Joe Rossheim, of U Name It Apparel & Graphics. COURTESY PHOTO
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Palm Coast Ford recently donated $1,200 to the Flagler Humane Society.

“The Flagler Humane Society needs to exist in our community,” said Paul Summa, of Palm Coast Ford. “We were shocked to learn at any given time there are over 200 animals in direct care at the shelter looking for forever homes, not to mention the fact they survive almost entirely on donations.”



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