- March 14, 2025
+ Six-figure settlement: What’s wrong with this picture?
Dear Editor:
With regard to your article on the accident that occurred between a sheriff’s deputy and Robert Hansen: Mr. Hansen went through a stop sign, failed to yield to traffic, and was struck by the vehicle that had the legal right of way. Then his family sues and is given a six-figure settlement. What’s wrong with this picture?
Jack Pierce
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: The case was a wrongful death suit. According to attorney Alan Ziffra, an expert on the case concluded that if the deputy hadn’t been speeding, the crash wouldn’t have occurred.
+ Why state the race of the victim but not the killer?
Dear Editor:
I just read your article entitled “Dog disturbance leads to Flagler Beach murder,” in which you describe the victim as a white male in the second paragraph. However, your description of the 6-foot-3 killer appears to omit his color. Why?
Rosemarie Hiers
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: Both the victim and the shooter were white males. The race is irrelevant in the story, though, and should have been omitted in both instances. Thanks for reading so closely.
Should the city regulate Internet cafés?
Nathanael Brehm This is the worst idea imaginable. What next? Regulate how long I am allowed to remain in my home at a given time?
Barbara Duffy What a joke! Security guards? Do bingo halls have the same regulations? The same kind of people who play in the bingo halls also go to the Internet cafés.
Leave the cafés alone and do something about the crime in Palm Coast.
What really bothers you about the Internet cafés, anyway?
Jennifer DeLeo These Internet cafés are all a joke. It’s pathetic to have so many of them — if any at all. How about opening some places of real mature and cultural interest rather than some stupid gambling cafés — what an example to set for youth. The lack of recreational facilities for children and young adults in this town is absurd, and yet we have so much of this bingo, sweepstakes and gambling nonsense. It’s pathetic. The town of Palm Coast should be making better investments in the community than that!
Dan Priotti Government needs to stop getting in the way of the private sector. Leave the Internet cafés alone. If you bother them, they’ll shut down, and that’s less tax revenue for the city. The customers will just go home and do it on overseas websites, and Palm Coast loses the revenue. Think smart, people.
Charlie F. Ericksen Jr. I have talked with all of the council members, and not one of them has even visited an Internet café. One is concerned over a “robbery” at a café, but has no record of one ever happening. Robberies have occurred in our banks and overnight Kangaroo gas stations. This is a pet peeve that has no purpose, other than to harass the 50-and-over clients of an Internet café.
The visitors can get a free meal and beverages while there. Just how much does the city want to regulate? Next, they will want to regulate the color of your house or the tag /garage sales at your own home. Woops, they already do that and more.
Should it be possible for a teacher to be rated “unsatisfactory”?
Jade Elizabeth Austin It’s no different than any other job: If you don’t do well in it, you shouldn’t be doing it!
Craig Cavaliere If no teacher should receive unsatisfactory because of the new system, then no teacher should receive a highly effective rating, or any rating.
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