- February 5, 2025
+ Kim Carney’s statement shows disregard for resident input
Dear Editor:
In the May 2 edition of the Palm Coast Observer, it was reported that the Flagler Beach City Commission voted 4-1 to put its beach bonfire ordinance up for public vote. Only Commissioner Kim Carney opposed.
She stated: “All you’re going to know is what the citizens want — and only the citizens that showed up (to vote).”
Does anyone else have a problem with that statement by an elected official? If anyone does, please show up to vote on the bonfire ordinance, and the commissioner when her term is up. It doesn’t matter how you vote, but someone might care what we, the taxpayers, want.
Jean Sbertoli
Flagler Beach
+ Weeds abound in neighbors’ yards; there should be a penalty
Dear Editor:
I can understand that some people have to rent, but they should be required to keep their homes and yards presentable. In the cove where we live, every other house is a rental, and the yards are nothing but weed patches, and it is a constant fight to keep the weeds out of our yard. On each side of our home, they don’t care as long as they collect the rent. We take a lot of pride in our home and yard.
There should be a penalty if the homes and yards are not kept up.
Forrest Thomas
Palm Coast
+ City should buy City Marketplace, not build a new City Hall
Dear Editor:
I agree 100% with Ray Thomann about the city officials buying City Marketplace instead of building a new City Hall in Town Center.
It would save them the cost of moving, and they would also realize an income from the businesses that are there. Do we need another vacant building in Palm Coast? All my friends agree that the center of Palm Coast is Palm Coast Parkway off Interstate 95.
(P.S. I enjoyed Mike Cavaliere’s column on the Hot Dog War. He’s a great writer.)
Ralph Moniello
Palm Coast
+ Palm Coast was not built to become a concrete jungle
Dear Editor:
Country Club Cove was the first neighborhood built in Palm Coast. In fact, for the first few years, it was Palm Coast. We have narrow streets with no sidewalks (which we like) where we take walks with our families, friends and pets.
We have condos all around our neighborhood that are not selling. Why build more? So we can look at more vacant buildings? With the proposed condos, it will bring much more traffic. We foresee the city having to widen Club House Drive and installing a traffic light at the corner of Club House and Casper drives just so we can get in and out to our homes.
Palm Coast was not built to become a concrete jungle. We want our neighborhood back!
Jim Carlisle
Palm Coast
+ Sales tax should not be renewed without a clear plan for spending it
Dear Editor:
Douglas R. Glover is correct in his April 12 letter, when he stated that all the clabber about the sales tax is disingenuous.
Let me take it a step further.
Our elected officials and their employees have led us to believe that they will always use tax revenues wisely, and they have no need of input from the general public. Once the half-cent sales tax was put in place it became a big grab bag. County and city managers and their staffs, along with school administrators, began concocting projects and programs on which to spend this new source of revenue.
The general electorate (out of whose pockets the money was flowing) was bypassed and forgotten. This is the fundamental flaw in this tax.
Here is the essential principal that was set aside initially, and will possibly be disregarded this fall: Namely, there is no justification for any taxation without a clear and precise delineation of how, when and where those funds will be utilized. Our nation and state are in critical financial chaos because we have abandoned this principal. Locally, we haven’t learned to live within our means.
Between now and this fall our officials (all of them) need to come forward with a carefully crafted explanation of how the funds created by an new tax will be utilized, giving voters a clear picture of why the money is needed for the next 10 years. If the elected representatives cannot do that, then the tax should be voted down. Take away their money pot. Then, Flagler County voters can begin looking for more qualified leaders.
Kenneth L. Hansen
Palm Coast
+ More red light cameras needed; add them at stop signs, too
Dear Editor:
We need more cameras at red lights and at stop signs, too. Every time I go anywhere in Palm Coast, I see people running red lights and stop signs. People who are against them have never been hit by a red light runner like I was several years ago.
Believe me: You don’t want to have to deal with police reports, lawyers, medical bills and insurance, and car repairs or replacement and car insurance. If you want privacy, you need to stay home because everywhere you go these days you are on camera — in banks, stores, gas stations, parking lots and on interstate highways. Unless you want to pay taxes for a couple thousand police officers, videos are the best way to catch lawbreakers.
William Simpson
Palm Coast
+ School Board has been a disaster for years and needs a makeover
Dear Editor:
Now would be the time to revise the existing contract, before the coming School Board election.
There is no need to have an election: We should reduce the number of members from five to three. With a weekly schedule, the three full-time members would be able to visit every school and spend many hours a day visiting at each school and be available to the teachers, students and parents.
Full-time board members should work the same days as a normal school day. There shall be office space, telephone and computer available for you at every school. You and other full time members shall prepare a weekly schedule of the days and hours of the schools you shall visit.
You shall be compensated for your vehicle expenses from school to school only, and any out-of-county meetings. Travel from your residence to and from school and/or local meetings shall be at your expense. Salary and medical insurances shall be as existing contract.
Walter Albano
Palm Coast
+ Don’t criticize seniors’ driving abilities; love your neighbor
Dear Editor:
The recent car crash at Publix has raised the questions of senior driving capability.
Have we as Christians forgotten the commandment on which all the laws and prophets are based? “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is inevitable that all of us (if lucky) will be seniors one day, so heed these thoughts of John Donne in his “Meditation 17”: “What diminishes my neighbor diminishes me.” “Do not ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee!”
Michael Nishti Jr.
Palm Coast
+ Elderly drivers are safer on the roads than texting drivers
Dear Editor:
I am a senior driver who has been driving since I was 14 years old and will be 69 on my next birthday. I have read the comments made regarding seniors and driving and feel this is sort of a knee-jerk reaction by many younger citizens. Since I began my driving in January 1958, I have never been issued a single citation from a police officer, nor have I ever been responsible for an automobile accident, while driving 20,000 to 25,000 miles each year. Auto insurance rates reflect the senior driving record as being pretty safe till advanced ages.
Young drivers, especially under 21, have more vehicle incidents, as well as people who text while driving. I personally would much rather see a senior driver in my rearview mirror than a young person looking at their phone while following my vehicle.
Jumping at conclusions that are pointed at a specific demographic is usually not the best course of action.
Ken Wright
Palm Coast