Miss Flagler County winners to host holiday food drive

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  • | 4:00 a.m. October 3, 2012
Little Miss Flagler County Hannah Blevins
Little Miss Flagler County Hannah Blevins
  • Palm Coast Observer
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They're using their powers for good.

Little Miss Flagler County Hannah Blevins, Miss Flagler County Haley Watson and Miss Jr. Flagler County Emily Palisoc are hosting a food drive in conjunction with the Flagler Surf Series and the Flagler Surf Club.

The food drive will take place until Nov. 11. To contribute, bring nonperishable food items to surf club events on Sundays or to the Flagler Surf Series Competition Oct. 6-7.

Items can be dropped off at Z Wave Surf Shop, 400 S. Oceanshore Blvd, or Sully’s Surf Shop, 211 S. Third St., both in Flagler Beach.

For each $15 gift card or full bag of groceries donated, you will receive a raffle for a drawing for a goody basket.

The pageant winners are also asking the community help nominate families in need or struggling by submitting their information to either one of the surf shops or by sending an email to surfthisone@hotmail.com.

Palm Coast resident receives Florida Park Service volunteer award

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area at Flagler Beach recently announced Laura Ostapko, of Palm Coast, has received the Florida Park Service District 3 Volunteer of the Month Award for September 2012.

Ostapko assists with wildlife surveys, turtle patrol, invasive exotic vegetation removal, volunteer recruitment and volunteer management. Her most outstanding achievement has been developing, coordinating and assisting with the park’s Exotic Wednesday Pepper Pickin’ Crew.

The rew has worked almost every Wednesday for three years removing exotic invasive plants such as Brazilian peppertree in Gamble Rogers and North Peninsula State Parks. 

“All these contributions, especially during lean times, make Laura a valuable member of the team at both parks,” said District 3 Bureau Chief Larry Fooks. “All of Laura’s efforts allow the staff to work on other duties to keep the parks running efficiently and saving them resources in the long run.”

If you would like to get involved with your local state park as a volunteer, visit www.floridastateparks.org/getinvolved.



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