- November 23, 2024
How much love do you really have for cameras?
Dear Editor:
Surveillance cameras make you feel safer and you love them. How far does that love go? The cameras are from a firm in Arizona that collect 75% of all tickets issued. If the city didn’t make money on the cameras, do you think we would have them?
For every 10 mph a vehicle is traveling it needs one full body length of the vehicle to stop safely.
So at 40 mph when the light turns amber and you are 35 ft. or less from the intersection by law you are allowed to proceed through the light as it turns red. This law has been on the books for 100 years and was calculated with the safety of passengers and other vehicles sharing the road way.
Arizona also has cameras they use for speeders. Radar is used, and a picture is taken of the driver for facial recognition. A ticket can then be issued in the mail. They also have a breathalyzer machine that can be plugged into the vehicle’s computer, disabling the ignition system if you had too much to drink and drive. Their new pilot program has law enforcement officers trained in drawing blood by force should you refuse. Should an officer believe you’re impaired, a field test or breathalyzer test are no longer sufficient: They want your blood. You should feel safer that they can collect a DNA sample in the process.
Where do you draw the line? Do you have a line when it comes to you feeling safer?
How many freedoms and liberties are just the right balance to forfeit for your safety?
Would you champion police shoulder cameras that must run every minute they are on duty? Bar and parking lot cameras with live feeds to local police stations to stop drunk drivers? Gas station cameras so someone who buys a cold beer in a brown paper bag with the intent to drink it while driving can be caught? School cameras that can catch bullies and deny them an education for their anti-social behavior? Speed trap cameras on main roads and side streets? Side street cameras to catch poop-scoop violations? Bedroom cameras to catch those that break laws on the books of some activities between adults? Please answer these questions I have asked you.
How much do you love the above-mentioned cameras? I could go on and on, but where would it end?
Douglas Mac Donald
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: I don’t doubt you could go on and on, and I have no idea where it would end. But I do like the idea of a camera that would catch poop-scoop violators. I don’t think it would work though, because you would have a hard time keeping people on staff to watch the slow-motion video.
Shameless plug: Help the Humane Society
Dear Editor:
I volunteer at the Flagler Humane Society. The shelter had bad management in the past, and we are trying to come back from that. We need the support of the community. We are barely making it, and we need your donations as before. Please don't let the animals suffer because of the past. They need us. You have come through before, and I know you will again.
The management is all different, and most of the staff and volunteers are new. Some, like me, stuck around cause I can't stand to quit.
Please help the shelter. We need your help to help the homeless, abused and neglected animals.
Shirley Hartman
Palm Coast