- March 13, 2025
Looking for the best garden in Palm Coast? Mummert's the word.
Ed and Liz Mummert, of Ellsworth Drive, have been recognized as the September Selection of the Month by The Garden Club at Palm Coast.
The Mummerts are from Maryland and Connecticut and moved here two years ago. The landscaping was overgrown, so they have been working hard a little at a time to maintain the numerous plantings.
Now, three arched trellises planted with confederate jasmine are attached to the side wall of the garage. Two large clumps of giant taro grace either side of the garage window. This impressive elephant ear plant has glossy, wavy leaves with its stems pointing upward.
A large brown, terra cotta pot with cascading blue-and-pink scaevola and another one in a metal pedestal planter are placed on the river rock in the center front bed. Planted in the ground are a multibranched pony tail palm, variegated pittosporum, foxtail fern, firecracker plant, yucca, Aztec grass, Jack Frost ligustrum and loropetalum.
Large coquina rocks are artistically placed in the beds, with one rock planted with succulents. The color combination of wood and river rock mulch complement the brown exterior of the house accented with white trim.
They have several types of cold hardy palms, including Sylvester date palm, Sabal, pindo and European fan. Several varieties of crepe myrtle line the driveway.
The back yard contains a large wisteria, citrus tree, angel trumpets, duranta, lantana and hibiscus.