Flagler Beach to stop broadcasting city meetings Oct. 11

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  • | 4:00 a.m. September 22, 2012
Due to budget constraints, the city of Flagler Beach will no longer be broadcasting their meetings on Chanel 199.
Due to budget constraints, the city of Flagler Beach will no longer be broadcasting their meetings on Chanel 199.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Due to budget constraints, the city of Flagler Beach will no longer be broadcasting their meetings on Channel 199., the city announced on Thursday. 

“We do understand the need for citizens to be as knowledgeable of issues facing the city and for government to be as transparent as possible,” according to a release by the city. 

To ensure this, Flagler Beach officials are purchasing software in order to be able to stream the meetings live as they are occurring on the city’s website, www.cityofflaglerbeach.com.

The meetings will also be available on-demand following the completion of the meeting.

For those citizens who do not have access to a computer, the meetings will be available on DVD at the library the Tuesday after the regular meeting. The city will also have the capability to supply DVDs as requested by any citizen for $3.

The change will occur beginning with the Oct. 11 regular meeting.


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