- March 12, 2025
If awarded the grants, the city would only have to pay half of the estimated costs of both projects.
The Ormond Beach City Commission recently approved two state grant proposals for improvements to the Nova Community Center and the Ormond Beach Sports Complex.
The two projects have a total estimated cost of $610,000, and the city is hoping that half of that bill will be payed by two Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grants.
One grant, for the installation of lighting at Ormond Beach Sports Complex soccer fields, is for $125,000.
The other grant is for $180,000, for the installation of new tennis court lighting, a multipurpose trail and paving of existing dirt roads at Nova Community Park.
The FRDAP grants are awarded competitively through the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for local governments to acquire and develop land for public outdoor recreational use.
If awarded the grants, Ormond Beach would be responsible for covering the remaining 50% of the total estimated costs of each project.
Loretta Moisio, the city’s grants coordinator, expects a decision regarding the grants by mid-2013.
Both projects are contained within the city’s proposed 2013-14 fiscal year budget and have been designated as priorities by the Leisure Services Advisory Board.
Ormond Beach has been awarded multiple state recreation grants in the past, which have helped build outdoor basketball courts at Central Park, as well as pay for improvements to the Nova Community Center, the South Ormond Neighborhood Park and the Sports Complex.