- March 8, 2025
With hundreds of walkers and runners flooding the multiuse paths every day throughout Palm Coast, the City Council has decided to widen each of them.
"The paths are just too crowded," one official said.
Funding on the state level has dried up, but officials believe that if each of the paths were six lanes wide, instead of one, many high-tech companies would move to the city, curing the unemployment problem within months.
Paths along Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast Parkway and Rymfire Drive are the first scheduled to be widened.
“It’s a simple solution, really,” someone thought he heard Mayor Jon Netts say. “We’re six-laning Palm Coast Parkway; why not do the paths, as well?”
The total price tag is about $45 million, but officials believe it would all be paid off within three years, thanks to the boost in economic development.
Also, the city plans to spend at least that much in bonsai trees, which will be planted every four feet along each path.
And if you believe all that, you’re crazy. APRIL FOOL’S!