Four Palm Coast teens arrested for burglary

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 2, 2013
The teenagers were ages 18, 17, 16 and 15.
The teenagers were ages 18, 17, 16 and 15.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested four Flagler County teenagers March 28 on charges of felony burglary and misdemeanor criminal mischief after deputies found them inside a vacant Palm Coast home.

The property manager for the home at 9 Pine Ash Lane reported the burglary at 9:16 p.m., when he visited the home to check on the progress of some interior work. The manager told deputies arriving on the scene that he heard movement coming from the second story of the residence.

Deputies entered the home and, as they walked up the stairs to the second story, they encountered three males and one female in the hallway. All four were arrested, and deputies recovered small amounts of marijuana and several packages of over-the-counter cold medication on the bathroom floor. The property manager reported there was an estimated $200 worth of damages to the kitchen cabinets.

One of the four teens, D’Marcus Boyd, 18, of the P-section of Palm Coast, was additionally charged with contributing to the delinquency of a child. The other teens were ages 17, 16 and 15.

“These teens put themselves and others in danger by entering this vacant home,” Sheriff Jim Manfre said in a statement. “In all but one case, there should have been some adult supervision involved with these minors. In the absence of that, we have four teens charged with felonies, and that is unfortunate.”

The juveniles were arrested and released to the custody of their parents as directed by the state’s Department of Juvenile Justice. Boyd was booked into the Flagler County Inmate Facility and released after posting $2,500 bond.


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