- March 8, 2025
Brian Kopec’s efforts to clean those hard-to-reach places in Flagler County continues. On the heels of his recent efforts to rehabilitate the county’s skate park, which is actually located in the city limits of Flagler Beach, Kopec, along with Scott Demers of Integrity Pressure Cleaning, headed to the Flagler Beach Pier to the give the area a good scrubbing.
The concrete area in front of the pier entrance along with the large, white letters on the roof of the Flagler Pier were cleaned at no charge to the city of Flagler Beach.
“We are thrilled to be part of these great community projects,” Demers said. “As a resident and business owner here, I’m happy to do it.”
Kopec added: “With local contractors like Integrity Pressure Cleaning, we’ve been able to make a difference in two very popular places for the enjoyment of Flagler County residents. The feedback we have received while doing the work at both the skate park and the pier has been so positive. And the view from atop the pier building was an added bonus.”
Bunnell problem solvers win Grand Champion, invited to internationals
Bunnell Elementary School's Future Problem Solvers competed in the 2013 state competition, bringing home four awards.
The Movement Movement, a project about raising awareness about childhood obesity and the need to be more active and eat healthy, was awarded a Grand Champion title and an invitation to the international competition at Indiana University this June. Project members include Michael Pierre and Elkhan Bagirov.
Taking first place was the project "Green —The Only Earth Tone," a recycling project implemented right on campus. Julia Reiter, Mariah Kinard, Isabel Petrin, Ashley Puentes and Carlos Deeza collected more than 500 pieces of recycling and hope to continue the recycling project at the school.
The Adoption Option project brought home a second place win for efforts to raise awareness about the number of pets available for adoption in the county and the numbers of pets who are euthanized because of the lack of adoptions. Members of the team are Daniella Sbordone, Sharon Gardner, Tara Tallaksen, Emily Puentes and Colleen Reed.
Sbordone received a third-place ribbon for her portion of the group scenario writing competition.
The teams were led by coaches Jerri Berry, Deborah Breeding and Cathie Zanella.
Christmas Come True to promote self-confidence
Christmas Come True will hold S.E.L.F. seminars promoting self-confidence, empowerment, love and freedom, beginning 7 p.m. April 9.
They will feature Lynda Linke, retiried social services professional, artist and author. Linke has designed seminars to help apply the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle and others to make practical use of their lessons to gain more conidence, self-love and balance in life.
Christmas Come True is located at 1399 N. Oceanshore Blvd., Flagler Beach. For reservations, email [email protected].