- March 6, 2025
Registration for the city's summer camp program has started, plus playground closures and emergency stats.
Public Works update
The city's Public Works Department installed traffic signs last week, along the Hand Avenue construction project route. They also repaired asphalt on Willis Drive.
Stormwater crews removed a dead tree from a ditch along Division Avenue and removed old concrete from the ground at Fortunato Park, to make room for the installation of a hanging swing.
Summer camp registration
Registration for the Ormond Beach Summer Connection Day Camp Program has started.
The camps will be for children ages 6 through 13 (as of Sept. 1, 2013) and will be held at the South Ormond Neighborhood Center, 176 Division Ave. There will be two 4-week sessions: June 17 to July 12 and July 15 to Aug. 9
Each session will cost $200 for Ormond Beach residents (proof of residency required), and $300 for non-residents.
Completed enrollment packets, which can be downloaded at www.OrmondBeach.org or picked up at the Ormond Beach Leisure Services Registration Office, 399 N US 1, can be dropped off at the registration office. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis until all camps are filled.
Call 676-3250.
Around Town
The playground at Ormond Beach Fire Station 91, 364 S. Atlantic Ave., will be closed from April 15-20, for maintenance.
Ryan Williams, operations manager for Volusia County Emergency Management, was appointed to the Florida Division of Emergency Management’s Advisory Working Group, Region 5, covering nine Central Florida counties.
The Ormond Beach Civil Air Patrol will hold an open house 7 p.m. Monday, April 29, at the Ormond Beach Composite Squadron, 760 Airport Road, for anyone interested in cadet membership.
Florida Power and Light will perform tree trimming, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, along rights-of-way on the city's mainland.
Call 866-274-9098.
Emergency Stats
The following numbers, for the week of April 8, were supplied by city staff:
Weekly Police Stats
Calls for Service..........1,575
Citations Issued..........138
Reports Written..........140
Traffic Stops..........194
Weekly Fire Operations Stats
Motor Vehicle Accidents..........9
Fire Alarms..........4
Public Assists..........50
Members of the Ormond Beach Art Guild led art classes at The Casements April 6 and 13.