- March 6, 2025
In honor of the city of Bunnell’s centennial, fire hydrants throughout the city were given a festive face lift through the fire hydrant painting contest. The winners of the contest and the locations of the winning hydrants are: first place, Palm Coast Historical Society — “Old Brick Road,” E. Moody Blvd., in front of Bachman’s; second place, Linda’s Salon, Atlantis Business Center; and third place, Flagler County School Board, Government Services Building.
Because of the overwhelming community response in regard to the contest, the city has decided to extend the fire hydrant painting through the rest of the centennial year. If interested, visit www.bunnellcity.us and download the application. Send registration form and $25 fee to Judi Stetson at the city of Bunnell. The city will approve hydrant design and coordinate available hydrants for participation.
“This is a chance for you to leave a lasting impression in Bunnell,” Stetson said.
Spotlight on youth auditions scheduled
The 2013 Spotlight on Flagler County Youth Talent Show will hold auditions 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, and Wednesday, May 15, at the Flagler County Youth Center, on the Flagler Palm Coast High School campus.
The show is for youth grades kindergarten through 12, who can sing, dance, play an instrument, or have any special talent. For more information, contact Cheryl massaro at 437-7540 or [email protected].
The show is scheduled for June 6, at the Flagler Auditorium.
Flagler County Drug Court Foundation seeks donations
The Flagler County Drug Court Foundation is seeking donations of gently used furniture, electronics, collectibles and other items for its Second Chance rummage sale fundraiser.
To donate, drop off items between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, at ZION Baptist Church, 1 Enterprise Drive, Bunnell, or call 283-4905 to arrange pickup.
The sale will take place 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at Celico Auto Body, 309 N. State Road, Bunnell.
PAX seeks host families
PAX Program of Academic Exchange is looking for homes for students arriving in August to attend Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast high schools. Host families provide a bed, meals and a warm supportive environment. All students speak English and come with their own spending money and medical insurance. Students are to have chores and be treated as family members, not guests.
To host a student, contact Joni Short at [email protected] or 503-8341.
Flagler students receive Hope Scholarships
Two students from Flagler County are recipients of Elk’s Hope Scholarships. Nina Eustaquio was awarded a $4,000 scholarship, and Kyle Mckibben was awarded a $2,000 scholarship.
The mission of the Hope Scholarship is to provide financial support for the educational needs of Florida high school seniors without which they would not be able to achieve their educational objectives. The commitment of time and effort put forth by the lodges, districts and state committees, all working together, results in awarding of these scholarships.