Shellabrate! Nesting season has begun

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 24, 2013
Leatherbacks make a circular pattern as they crown on the beach.
Leatherbacks make a circular pattern as they crown on the beach.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Although sea turtle nesting season doesn’t officially begin until May 1, the first nest of the season was spotted in Beverly Beach Sunday morning.

The leatherback nest, which has 82 eggs, was laid in front of the seawall at Camptown but was relocated higher on the beach, by Turtle Patrol, to keep hatchlings safe. Leatherbacks are the largest species of sea turtles — about 6-feet wide. 

Connors makes Eagle Scout
Dalton Connors, of Palm Coast, who is the son of Colleen Connors and grandson of Jim and Kathy Connors, has officially made Eagle Scout. He is a member of Troop 270, sponsored by the local Elks Lodge 2709.

More than 100 family and friends were on hand to celebrate his Eagle Award ceremony and reception, which was held at the Trinity Presbyterian Church.



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