Road rage: Man accused of pulling gun from fanny pack

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 30, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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+ Road rage: Man accused of pulling gun from fanny pack

A man was accused of pulling a gun from his fanny pack and pressing it against another man’s stomach Saturday after the two were involved in a road rage incident.

The complainant told dispatchers that an elderly man wearing a yellow shirt and jean shorts pulled the gun after the complainant confronted him about a traffic incident. The complainant said he was traveling northbound on North Oceanshore Boulevard when he noticed he was coming up on a red sports utility vehicle stopped in the road. The complainant said he tried to pass the vehicle, but that the driver then sped up to keep him from merging over, so the complainant pulled over to see if the driver was all right.

When deputies later found the defendant, he said that he was about to turn left into a parking lot when the complainant nearly hit him by trying to pass illegally. The men argued, and then the complainant left and went to Publix. On his way back, he saw the defendant on the side of the road, so he stopped to, he said, make amends. However, the two argued instead. The defendant denied ever exposing the gun.

No criminal charges were filed because the complainant returned to the scene of the argument.

+ County hosts 2nd-annual economic development summit

The Flagler County Department of Economic Opportunity hosted a day-long meeting April 29 to make a strategic plan for developing the county's economy. Executive Director Helga van Eckert conducted a year in review, and the facilitator of the session was Marilyn Crotty. Members of the community who participated included elected staff members of muncipal governments, elected officials and other community leaders and business owners.

+ Critical thinking seminar offered

As a part of the Women in Business: Fearless and Focused series, Alicia Casas and Rubi Torres will speak about the importance of critical thinking skills at a luncheon on May 9.

Casas, the director of resource development for United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties, will draw on her 25 years of experience in the media to discuss the topic. Torres, the assistant vice president and Palm Coast branch manager of Hancock Bank, will talk about how critical thinking skills and ongoing training helped her remain calm and safe during the 2012 robbery at Hancock Bank.

The cost to attend is $15. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m. at the Grand Haven Golf Clubhouse. The event will conclude by 1 p.m. Register by May 3 at

+ Correction
Open Arms Preschool is located at Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church



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