Dog still missing following Wood Haven Drive house fire

Abbey Road is still missing after Monday's fire at 121 Wood Haven Drive, in Palm Coast. COURTESY PHOTO
Abbey Road is still missing after Monday's fire at 121 Wood Haven Drive, in Palm Coast. COURTESY PHOTO
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Family members say one dog is still missing following Monday’s house fire at 121 Wood Haven Drive. 

Abbey Road, a white-and-brown terrier mix that weighs about 20-25 pounds, ran out of the house with another dog during the fire. A third dog, Muffy, is blind and was stuck behind a door. Muffy was revived by a Flagler County paramedic. 

Neighbors in the W-section have passed out flyers with pictures of Abbey Road, according to Jerry Rio, a family member of the fire victims.

Abbey Road is microchipped and has her owner’s contact information on her tag.

If you see Abbey Road, call Craig Rio, the dog’s owner, at 986-6446.

The investigation into the cause of the fire was still ongoing as of Thursday afternoon, according to Palm Coast Fire Chief Mike Beadle. 

Click here for previous coverage. 


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