School Board approves tentative 7.442 millage rate

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  • | 4:00 a.m. August 2, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The Flagler County School Board on Tuesday adopted a tentative millage rate of $7.442 per $1,000 of taxable value, a rate that is less than the rollback rate by 6.08%.

This is the lowest rate for the school district since the 2008-2009 school year.

After the board approved the tentative rate, Chairman Andy Dance reminded the public that the school district has little control over its tax rates. He said he has been questioned about why the School Board requested a 0.5 mill property tax levy in June (which failed in a special election) before setting a lower tax rate.

The only way the board can increase its millage is by public referendum, a rule that sets the School Board apart from local municipalities.

“The referendum was the one vehicle that would have kept us at the same general revenue,” Dance said. “We don’t have the same privileges as the local governments.”



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