- March 4, 2025
Photo challenge set for Aug. 17 at Washington Oaks
Are you a top-notch camera clicker? Show your skills in the Friends of Washington Oaks’ Photo Challenge on Saturday, Aug. 17.
Photo spots have been designated within the park, each identified with specific photo assignments. A map and instructions are available in the main garden parking lot from 9 to 11 a.m., or at the Ranger Station until the park closes. Washington Oaks volunteers judge the winners. For more, see www.washingtonoaks.org, or call 609-247-8146.
FCTC Recognizes Nursing Students
First Coast Technical College, with locations in St. Augustine and Palatka, recently recognized nursing students during a capping and pinning ceremony. Graduates can now sit for state Board of Nursing exams to obtain licensed practical nursing status. Graduates represent seven counties, including Flagler.
Three Flagler residents graduated: Joan McCracken, Eleanor Fraley and Sally Noel.
Oct. 31 is the application deadline for the next class, which begins in January. Visit www.fctc.edu for an application.
New Daytona State classes aim at career planning
Choosing a career path, setting goals, discovering job-to-personality match — these are all tough but important decisions college students face with the complexity of today’s job market.
A new set of classes aimed at student success — starting with the first semester in school — launches in a few weeks at Daytona State College.
“We recognized that students need a fresh look at job skills and career planning to integrate into their academic choices,” said Charlene Latimer, chairwoman of the School of Student Life Skills at Daytona State.
To that end, her team created a set of three one-credit online career-prep classes, updated a three-credit class in career development and added another three-credit class on diversity and communication. For more on the courses, which start Aug. 26, visit www.daytonastate.edu or call 506-3059.