Palm Coast's tax rate to drop?

The first public budget hearing is set for 5:05 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at the Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway N.E.
The first public budget hearing is set for 5:05 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at the Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway N.E.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The Palm Coast City Council has tentatively agreed to set its tax rate at 4.2705, or $4.27 per $1,000 of taxable value, for the upcoming fiscal year. If the rate holds, it would mean a drop of about 2.5 cents per $1,000 compared to last year’s rate of 4.2958.

The proposed rate is the rolled-back rate, which is the rate that would generate the same amount of tax revenue when accounting for the fluctuation in property values.

Finance Director Chris Quinn reviewed the city’s enterprise, internal service, special revenue and capital funds during Tuesday’s workshop. Although there are no major cuts, the City Council has included several capital projects in next year’s budget, including Holland Park renovations (including the dog park) and the Seminole Woods multipurpose path. The city will also continue its stormwater infrastructure investment program, street resurfacing program and bridge rehabilitation.

There are some noteworthy changes coming to Holland Park under the proposed budget: a renovated and larger dog park, a splash park, more parking, new fitness stations, a new bocce ball court cover and a perimeter walking trail.

The dog park at Holland Park has long been an area of frustration for residents, who have routinely stood before the City Council and expressed their concerns during public comment at meetings.

Many of these improvements will be implemented over various phases and won’t be completed until 2016.

City Manager Jim Landon said the dog park is one of the most routinely used amenities in the city, and that people are “getting passionate” about it.

“The whole point is we’re trying to take this serious,” Landon said. “If you approve the budget, we’ll get after it.”

Last month, the City Council set its maximum millage rate at 4.5, but the idea all along was that it would come down before it was finalized.

The City Council will hear a final budget presentation at its Aug. 27 meeting. Then the council will hold two public meetings for the budget is voted into place.

The first public budget hearing is set for 5:05 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at the Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway N.E.

Millage rate ............................................ 4.2705
Taxable value ........................................ $3,689,298,781
Maximum millage rate ......................... 4.5000
Rolled-back rate ................................... 4.2705
2013 millage rate ................................. 4.2958
Tax on $100,000 of taxable value ..... $427.05


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