'Drive sober or get pulled over' starts Friday

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  • | 4:00 a.m. August 16, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies will be participating in a nationwide effort to combat drunk driving that kicks off Aug. 16 and runs through Sept. 2. 

The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to coincide with the September Labor Day holiday weekend. The program's goal is to reduce impaired driving fatalities through high visibility of law enforcement on the roads and through public awareness.

“Our goal is to keep our roadways safe," said Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre in a statement. "The public can help us by reporting impaired drivers. This is a campaign that involves everyone within our community.” 

In 2011, there were 9,878 people who died in traffic crashes in which at least one vehicle driver or motorcycle operator had been drinking, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“Labor Day holidays are particularly dangerous for encountering drunk drivers, so we are taking the
extra step by joining in this proactive campaign,” Manfre said.

To report a suspected impaired driver, call 911 or 313-4911.


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