- March 3, 2025
The Florida Supreme Court will hear arguments on Oct. 8 in a case questioning the legality of red light camera citations issued in the state prior to 2010.
The court will hear arguments in two cases, one from Orlando and one from Aventura, in which circuit appeals courts have ruled differently. At their heart, the cases question whether it was legal for municipalities to levy traffic citations from red light cameras prior to 2010.
The 5th District Court of Appeals said Orlando was wrong to pass a red light camera ordinance before the state did. The appeals court in Aventura ruled the opposite.
Palm coast installed its first red light camera in 2008, and began receiving revenue from the tickets it issued in
June of that year, so if the Supreme Court rules against cities who levied red light cameras prior to 2010, the city may have to refund tickets issued prior to 2010.
All tickets issued since then, however, are not under question.