- February 28, 2025
The Matanzas High School community is in mourning Thursday, as it learned of the loss of freshman Dalton Coxwell, who committed suicide the previous afternoon.
Coxwell, 15, hanged himself from a tree in his yard, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office report. His father found him.
Deputies were called to the F-section home around 4 p.m., when they found Phillip Coxwell performing CPR on his son. The responding deputy took over CPR until paramedics arrived to the scene.
Dalton Coxwell was transported to Florida Hopsital Flagler, where he was pronounced dead by emergency room staff at about 5 p.m.
A cell phone was found on the ground near the tree.
By Wednesday evening, news had spread across social media.
Coxwell played football at Matanzas.
According to Facebook, there will be a vigil for Coxwell at 6:30 p.m. Friday, in the theater at Matanzas High School. People are asked to wear a light blue color.
School Board member Colleen Conklin posted the following on her Facebook page on Thursday:
"Dear local facebook friends - at this point I know you've heard about the student we lost last night. We have counselors at some of the schools this morning. I've been watching facebook posts by some of our students and I would ask that we all monitor our kids social media. Facebook, twitter, instagram and above all else ask.fm. This was no one's fault! Emotions are running high and I would ask that if you have teens/tweens at home that may have been impacted that we spend some time talking to them about it. Words hurt, the sting left doesn't disappear once they are said. They may live with someone forever. We all need to be reminded of that. Kindness and love is needed. Please keep this student and his parents and family members in your thoughts and prayers."
Facebook notes and tweets from classmates and residents are listed as follows:
I didn't even know Dalton and my heart still hurts... I literally can't imagine what his family is going though
— Sara Komanowski (@kkkomanowski) December 19, 2013
— Jeremiah Wilson (@JayyD_05) December 19, 2013
No matter what happened, no one deserves to die especially so young. Rest in Peace Dalton
— Summer Haire (@HaireSummer) December 19, 2013
Honestly breaks my heart. No one should ever have to get to that point. My prayers go out to everyone involved
— Payton Monroe (@monroepayton) December 19, 2013
RIP Dalton you weren't on the football team long but you'll always be a pirateboy rest easy bro
— Eye zaya Lew G06⃣ (@izzyzalugo) December 19, 2013
I can't imagine being the parents.. just losing your child that you carried for 9 months and raised for 15 years.. It breaks my heart
— Emily (@EFragala) December 19, 2013