- February 28, 2025
Also: No yard waste pickup on New Year’s; and, The Casements announces its holiday hours schedule.
Open soon: John Anderson Drive
The current closure of John Anderson Drive at North Halifax Drive will remain in effect until after the holidays. This will allow all utility and paving work in this area to be completed. It is anticipated that final paving in this area will occur the week of Jan. 6.
Call the Ormond Beach Engineering Division, at 676-3269.
Schedule: holiday waste collections
There will be no yard waste pick up on Jan. 1. The make-up day will be Jan. 4. All other pickup schedules remain unchanged.
Call 673-0800.
Casements closes doors earlier on the holidays
Through Jan. 5, The Casements will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, it will be open from 9 a.m. to noon.
It will be closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1, and on Sundays.