- February 28, 2025
Cathy Tallacksen, also known as “Rainbow,†partici¬pates in re-enactments of traditional native culture. Here, she demonstrates how obsidian and bones would be used to make tools at the Flagler Heritage Festival. (JARED MAULDIN)
Sam Lendor takes a big bite of turkey at the Sunshine Academy Thanksgiving. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Florida Aquarium veterinari¬an techni¬cian and sea turtle expert Susan Coy was joined by daughter Shelby, 6, for Tater’s release into the Intracoastal Waterway. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Stephen Lunsford, of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, holds his drink high during the official Marine Corps toasts at the Marine Corps. birthday ball. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Will Tant kisses his mother, Barbara, on the check after surfing the second round in the Men Pro division at the surf contest remembering his brother. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Jesse Heilman gets big air during the Red Bull Top Whip Tow-at contest Saturday at the Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Jason Hane and a dolphin exchange smiles at Marineland Dolphin Adventure. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Joe King attempts the monkey bars during the Fall FL.ROC. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Palm Coast resident George B. Rosado finished the FL.ROC course in 45 minutes and 19 seconds, first in his age division in the non-competitive wave. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Sophia Cologero plays in the corn box. at the Cowart Farms Maze Days Festival. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Cole Dennis, 13, of Bunnell, bobs for apples at the Cowart Farms Maze Days Festival. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Ben Rogers, blacksmith, demon¬strates at the ninth-annual Creekside Festival. He has been part of the fes¬tival since its inception. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Grand Marshal Patricia Moody makes her way around the lake at Town Center during the eighth-annual Buddy Walk. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Jordan Farrell paints the roof of one of the four homes on Hymon Circle in Bunnell that got a fresh coat of paint when Epic Church sent over 350 volunteers out into the community to serve. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Flagler Beach surfer Brandon Hoffman competes in the Flagler Surf Series. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Gene and Andy Hofmann dance to the smooth rhythm of The Swanky Mo’s at Flagler Beach First Friday. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Madelynn Oliva, Rayliana Giaccone and Olivia DiGugielmo help Assistant Superintendent Jacob Oliva walk the mile in his heels at the Family Life Center’s Walk A Miler In Her Shoes event for domestic violence awareness. (SHANNA FORTIER)
Seamus Moylan, 4, sits on Santa’s lap at the tree lighting, at Palm Harbor Shopping Center. (SHANNA FORTIER)