- February 28, 2025
CORRECTED 12:42 p.m. Dec. 27.
Typically, I try to cram all these into one post, but as I reviewed the year in news, I found too many great quotes So this year, I split it up. Below, you will find the top quotes of the year from January to June. Tomorrow, we'll do the second half of the year.
What's your vote for quote of the year? Email me at [email protected].
Jan. 8
The transition team … found an agency that was dysfunctional, bureaucratic and without direction and leadership.
— Jim Manfre, Flagler County sheriff, on his first day in office, before announcing changes to the organization.
Jan. 16
Pass this, and we will pack your bags by using the referendum process.
— Dennis McDonald, resident, in response to the City Council’s decision to raise utility rates.
Jan. 19
Something’s been bugging me to just go out there and check it out, so I did just now, and I, um — Denny is there.
— Anonymous 911 caller, upon finding a dead body in the backyard of her Covington Lane home.
Jan. 22
I believe a parent should be able to feel that a student is safe while attending school.
— Sue Dickinson, School Board member, on the donation of a parent to fund a school resource officer at Old Kings Elementary School, following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Connecticut.
Feb. 15
I wanted so much to believe that you could do this for us. But shame on you, because you have wasted so much of our money and our time.
— Linda Provencher, Flagler Beach mayor, to Dick Holmberg, after reading his feasibility study for undercurrent stabilizers.
March 12
We have to pass the tax. The downside if it doesn’t pass is just too unthinkable.
— Andy Dance, School Board member, on the risk of asking the voters to approve a half penny tax to support the schools.
March 14
I don’t know how y’all do it … We saw every dollar possible put out to students.
— George Griffin, of the AdvancED team, praising Flagler Schools for high marks during an external evaluation.
March 19
It appears that we’re not going to be building a City Hall there, so we might as well be using it as a bar.
— Bill Lewis, City Council member, on the city’s decision to obtain its own liquor license for Town Center events.
March 20
We have got to take note of the awesome responsibility of taking note of the African American students in the school district.
— John Winston, leader of the African American Mentor Program, on the lack of black students’ academic success in Flagler Schools.
April 10
To be homeless is to be a criminal in our county. You don’t want them on the corners, you don’t want them at the store — where do you want them?
— Carla Traister, in defense of the Sheltering Tree, at a Bunnell City Commission meeting
April 11
I wish I could have done things differently, but I was off my medicine.
— Sahmi Green, during his plea of no-contest that he stabbed dogs. He was sentenced to two years in prison and 13 years of probation.
May 9
We are not using taxpayers’ dollars appropriately when we are operating two school buildings half-empty.
— Sue Dickinson, School Board member, during the discussions about the budget shortfall. The board proposed a half-cent sales tax, but it was voted down in a referendum.
May 23
I shot the man because I didn’t want him to shoot me, and that’s about all there is to it.
— Paul Miller, on the witness stand in his own defense. HE was later convicted of murdering his neighbor Paul Mulhall.
June 11
I'm not going to argue. My motion stands.
— Elbert Tucker, Bunnell city commissioner, on his decision not to explain his vote to fire City Manager Armando Martinez.
June 19
The seriousness of this crime, in the court’s opinion, stuns the senses of reasonable people.
— J. David Walsh, circuit court judge, as he sentenced Paul Miller to life in prison for the murder of his neighbor, Dana Mulhall.
June 27
As someone who’s always been a supporter of the concept, I really feel that this has gone overboard.
— Jim Landon, Palm Coast city manager, on the amount of state fines for red light camera citations.