- February 28, 2025
The Peoples Friendship Social Club celebrated their third anniversary this month with a Christmas Party at the Hammock Dunes Country Club.
Donations for Toys for Tots were collected and two full boxes were donated. The club, which meets 10:30 a.m. every Thursday at Watson Realty, matched donations from members and donates them to Watson Realty’s charity to Feed Families and give gifts at Christmas. The club currently has a membership of more than 100 area residents.
Blue Knights Chapter XXII offers scholarship
The Flagler County Chapter of the Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club will award a $500 scholarship to an immediate family member of an active duty or retired law enforcement officer. This scholarship recognizes financial and other sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and their families in serving their communities.
Applications, which detail submission information, are available at Flagler Palm Coast and Matanzas high schools and must be submitted by Jan. 16.
Businesses, firefighters team to help the animals
Local businesses and fire fighters gathered last month for the unveiling of Flagler Humane Society’s FHS Firehouse Collection Boxes that were developed through a collaborative effort by valued partners of the shelter.
Nine FHS Firehouse Collection Boxes were placed outside at both city and county fire stations to provide a convenient and safe way for residents to provide needed items to care for pets at the shelter.
The idea was conceived by Kim Young, a volunteer at the shelter and her husband Ed, who retired from Miami-Dade County Fire Department, after seeing firsthand the way the fire fighters cared for pets in need, that at the time were affected by Hurricane Andrew.
Robert Busam, President of 100 Plus Realty Group, embraced the idea and worked closely with Frank Massello, also of 100 Plus Realty Group, who designed and built the donation boxes in the shape of a fire station. The Palm Coast Lowe’s store provided all the materials for the donation boxes and their local volunteer team from their “Heroes” program assisted in assembly and painting of the houses.
Palm Coast Signs added the finishing touch with signage that includes not only all of the logos of the supporting businesses on this project, but also a fire fighter’s helmet recognizing their willingness to help satisfy the need of the local shelter.
Local tots sing at hospital
Nearly 30 pre-kindergarten students from the Palm Coast United Methodist Church School came to Florida Hospital Flagler on Dec. 4.
Led by schoolteacher Tina Scott, the 4- and 5-year old children performed a selection of popular Christian songs, including “Let the Little Children Come” and “Believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ” for approximately 50 hospital staff, patients and visitors.
“It’s not every day that we have such a large group of children in the hospital, and we are so blessed to have them come here to perform,” said Ellie Lenkevich, Florida Hospital Flagler Chief Nursing Officer. “We’re thankful for our Pastoral Care department and the school team for working together to bring some holiday joy into our lives this morning.”
Anchor Boat Club elects new officers
The Anchor Boat Club recently elected its new officers. They are as follows: Commodore Barbara Eveleth, Vice-Commodore George Balla; Rear-Commodore Mary O'Brien, Treasurer Rick DiFilippo, Secretary Vi VanGordon and Fleet Captain Linda Cohen.
The new officers will be installed in January at a formal dinner/dance.