- March 9, 2025
Similar to businesses, Flagler County Public Schools wants to be the best. The very best, actually, according to its new vision that was released last week.
During the workshop, the School Board reviewed a new logo and branding strategies, including possibly establishing a clothing line.
“We’re definitely changing gears,” said Sabrina Crosby, Flagler Schools project coordinator.
Those new gears were released as part of the district’s strategic communications plan, which includes three goals: to brand and market an accurate reflection of Flagler Schools; to improve internal efficiency and effectiveness; and to broaden audience reach and build public support for educations and students.
A new vision was also released: “As a courageous, innovative leader in education, Flagler County Public Schools will be the nation’s premier learning organization, where all students graduate as socially responsible citizens with the skills necessary to reach their maximum potential.”
As part of branding and marketing Flagler Schools, the new logo was presented Tuesday by Joey DiPuma, one of the technology specialists for the district.
The logo is a lowercase “f,” similar to the Facebook logo. It also includes a tagline: “Striving to be the nation’s premier learning organization.”
The logo got mixed reviews from the board.
“I like it, but I think it’s going to have to grow on me a little bit,” School Board member Sue Dickinson said.
Board member Colleen Conklin, who wasn’t in attendance but participated via phone, said she has seen the logo, and she is a fan.
“I think it’s bold, clean, fresh, cutting-edge,” Conklin said. “I think it gets out what we are trying to share with the community. I love it, and I’m not big for change.”
The district has been using its current logo — which many referred to as a seal — for several years. The current logo looks like a ribbon, blue in color, and has a picture of a sun, waves and palm trees in the middle. The current tagline reads, “Raising student achievement every day, every way.”
Officials said that whatever the finalized logo and tagline are, that they should stick for years to come.
School Board Chairman Andy Dance said Tuesday that he isn’t a fan of the current logo.
“It could easily be the tourism logo for Flagler County,” he said.
The current logo would still remain on school buses and district vehicles, but the new logo would be used on the website, business cards and on a new clothing line that could be established.
“Nothing would be too crazy,” DiPuma said. “(Students) could wear it on spirit days. If we have something districtwide, it may help. In order to do that, a new logo would help.”
The district has approximately $5,000 in its promotions budget, according to Superintendent Janet Valentine.
Since last week’s meeting, the colors and fonts in the tag line have been tweaked.
The new logo will start to be rollowed out, and it’s already on the district’s website.
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