Kiwanis donates to Boys and Girls Club

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  • | 5:00 a.m. February 16, 2013
Retired Rev. Harry Usher with the Stetson University cheerleaders
Retired Rev. Harry Usher with the Stetson University cheerleaders
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Kiwanis donates to Boys and Girls Club
Kiwanians from Flagler, Volusia and Putnam counties attended the Stetson University basketball tournament to watch the Lady Hatters beat the Lady Bucs from East Tennessee State University 74-65.
In attendance was Flagler/Palm coast Kiwanis Club member the retired Rev. Harry Usher. Usher, now in his 80's, is a 1955 graduate of Stetson and was a cheerleader during his years there.
Close to 40 students from Rymfire Elementary were also in attendance at the tournament, which is sponsored annually by the DeLand Kiwanis Club, in conjunction with the nine Kiwanis cCubs of Volusia and Flagler. At the game, Kiwanis presented a $2,000 check to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties.

Deacon awarded Every Drop Counts scholarship
At age 24, Richard Deacon seemed to have it all: a good welding job, a loving wife and children, even time to play drums in local bands. That all changed when a head-on collision left him unable to work.
But instead of allowing himself be defeated by the setback, Deacon dedicated himself to advancing his education – and thanks to a $1,250 scholarship from Nestle Waters, he is now close to graduating.
Little more than a year since his accident, Deacon is fully recovered and thriving in his studies. By taking online classes, he has been able to stay home and look after his 2-year-old son during the day.
In March, he plans to take his certification test, which would make him eligible to work as a Public Water Supply Operator in Palm Coast’s local plant.

Volunteer services seeks volunteers
Flagler Volunteer Services is seeking volunteers for two upcoming projects. There will be a cleanup of the old hospital in Bunnell 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23.Volunteers are needed to help pick up trash, trim bushes and trees and spread mulch.
Also, there will be a house painting Saturday, March 16 and Saturday, April 13. Volunteers are needed to help paint three houses in Bunnell. Volunteers will also be needed to prep and clean up around the houses before the Saturday paint date. Supplies will be furnished.
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