- March 9, 2025
Corey Prior, of Boy Scout Troop 281, recently earned his God and Church Religious Emblem.
Scoutmaster James Botelho said that in his 29 years as an adult scout leader, this is only the second time a scout from his troop has received this award.
“I know that only one of every ten scouts ever make it to the rank of Eagle, but only one out of every 500 or so scouts ever achieve this award,” he said.
Prior, 11, is a sixth-grade-student at Belle Terre Elementary School and a member of Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church.
“The time and effort I put into this program made me feel great about how my church is so involved in the community and the world by helping people less fortunate than us,” Prior said.
+ Stamp and Coin Club to share hobby
The Flagler County Stamp and Coin Club in cooperation with the Flagler County Public Library will be putting on a coin presentation about Abraham Lincoln for the young and young at heart 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19. All the young attending will receive several Lincoln items to take home as well as coins and stamps at no charge.
The club will also hold its ninth-annual Stamp, Coin and Collectables Show 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at the Elk’s Lodge, 53 Old Kings Road N. There will be free appraisals as well as free parking and admission. Visit www.stampandcoinclub.com.
+ Backmann wins Fine Art Festival poster contest
Harold Backmann was on Flagler Fine Art Festival’s poster contest. His abstract painting, “Angel” took top honors, including a cash prize and complimentary booth space for the festivals’ six-month season. Onicas Gaddis also placed as the contest’s runner-up.
Flagler Fine Art Festivals will be held every third Sunday of the month starting 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 17, through July 21, in Veterans Park, Flagler Beach. Call 986-9567 or visit www.FlaglerFineArtFest.com.
+ Around town…
Volunteers are needed to do laundry at the Flagler Humane Society for one shift per week, 9 a.m. to noon, or 1-4 p.m., Monday through Sunday. Call 446-5182.
Matanzas High School student Chad Wilkenson was the winner of the District 19 Veterans of Foreign War Voice of Democracy essay competition. The district includes Daytona Beach, Deland, Port Orange, New Smyrna Beach, Debary, Palm Coast, Pierson, and Crescent City.
The newly formed Palm Coast Digital Society meets every Tuesday evening at the Hancock Bank, in Palm Coast. Call 793-3009.
Palm Coast resident Joni Short is interviewing families in Flagler County interested in hosting an international high school student for the academic year 2013-2014. Call 503-8341 or 800-555-6211.
Benton Village of Palm Coast residents received a special visit from Elvis at its annual luau.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Palm Coast Elks Lodge 2709 will host a Chinese Auction Fundraiser 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, at 53 Old Kings Road. Tickets are $6 and can be purchased at the lodge from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday.
The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties is hosting a poster contest open to all ages and encourages creative minds to express how United Way is “Making a Difference in Our Community.” Deadline is March 25. Visit unitedwayvfc.org/postercontest.
The city of Palm Coast has been awarded the Northeast Florida Regional Council’s Regional Award for Excellence in Environmental Stewardship for its solid waste and recycling program.