Fischer pleads guilty

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  • | 5:00 a.m. February 28, 2013
Jamesine Fischer
Jamesine Fischer
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Jamesine Fischer pled guilty Thursday morning to charges of leaving the scene of an accident involving death. Fischer hit and killed 76-year-old Francoise Pecqueur in November 2011.

Fischer faces a minimum sentence of 21 months in prison and a maximum sentence of 36 months, as outlined in a plea agreement. Without such an agreement, her crime carries a maximum sentence of 30 years.

She will also be sentenced to 10 years of probation following the prison sentence, with no chance of early termination, the agreement says.

Fischer, who is married to Flagler County School Board member John Fischer, will also have her driver’s license and driving privileges suspended for three years, starting on the date she is released from prison.

The day of the accident, Fischer was driving a 2007 PT Cruiser northbound on Columbia Lane, while 76-year-old Francoise Pecquer, of Palm Coast, was walking southbound on Columbia Lane, on the east shoulder. Fischer struck Pecqueur with the front of her vehicle.

Fischer failed to notify emergency personnel and misled law enforcement about her involvement in the crash, according to incident reports. After a three-month investigation, FHP traffic homicide investigators determined that she left the scene of a crash involving death.

Fischer’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on April 10. Circuit Judge J. David Walsh will hear arguments from the prosecution and defense at that time, and will impose a sentence within the agreed upon range of 21 to 36 months.

Fischer is free on bond until her sentencing hearing.


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